• If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.


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Children in Care and Care Leavers

Use of Technology by Local Authorities and other Organisations

This report is a high level review of the technology used by some local authorities in their service provision for looked after children. The data was collected over a period of six months, at the end of 2008, by the Digital Inclusion Team.

The local authorities listed were chosen on a random basis and the data does not purport to be comprehensive.

It does, however, highlight a diversity of approaches - some local authorities providing a website for the young people, others a website for carers. There is mention of video production, use of texting and mobile phones and the set up of a virtual school.

No formal evaluation data for the services is available through the DIT.

The report is designed to provide a summary high level view only.

ICT for Looked After Children - Survey.pdf


Digital Inclusion: Current policies and projects

"The Digital Inclusion Landscape in England  - Delivering Social Impact through Information and Communications Technology"  was produced by the Digital Inclusion Team in March 2007.

The Digital Inclusion Landscape In England.pdf



Digital Inclusion - can it address disadvantage and social exclusion?

Research by Article 13 for the Digital Inclusion Team shows the contribution and practical progress made by leading companies in this area. The companies reviewed and identified as engaging in this issue come from a diverse range of sectors across finance, media, publishing, retail, utilities and mobile telephony. Innovative approaches are already being used, often by means of information and communication technology, to engage with disadvantaged groups. A research summary containing case studies of current initiatives is available from Article 13: download pdf Digital Inclusion


Mental Health Treatment Online

The Digital Inclusion Team commissioned Bournemouth University to conduct a study into the current state of the art in the use of communications technologies in the treatment of mental health problems. It looked at the various forms of treatment in use, recent academic studies of the practice, current views and guidance from professional bodies, and examples of use and patient feedback.

Mental Health Treatment Online elec 231107.pdf


Telehealth and Digital Inclusion

Telecare, Telehealth and Telemedicine make use of the latest technology to empower patients and to assist vulnerable people to live independently in their own homes. The government is very much committed to these technologies through the Preventative Technologies Grants and the Whole System Demonstrator programme. The target audience for this technology is generally older, especially for Telecare, and overlaps significantly with those who are also digitally excluded. For example 85% of those over 65yrs old do not use the Internet. There are therefore potential synergies between the two policy areas that deserve to be explored. The Digital Inclusion Team at the City of London hosted an Alliance for Digital Inclusion meeting on Telehealth and Digital Inclusion in May 2007. The presentations are on the ADI web site at ADI


Can the Games be Serious?

There are many examples of “serious games” emerging across the public and private sectors: computer games are currently being used as tools to help young people and adults develop their skills and to help them deal with issues such as poor diet, homelessness and drugs. For the notes of a cross-sector meeting hosted by the Digital Inclusion Team, visit the Alliance for Digital Inclusion