
Delivery Innovation Team

ICT-Enabled Innovation in Support of Disadvantaged People



This is the site of the Delivery Innovation Team programme (aka Digital Inclusion Team) that ran from 2006 to 2011. See About Us. The material here was authored by  Paul Waller, Ewen McKinnon,  Beatrice Rogers, Louise Bazalgette, Johanna Davies, and Jane Robbins, and is openly available (but please note usage licence terms on some items). Later relevant research material from team members is also placed on the Research page to provide a single repository of our work relating to the impact of IT in the public sector.


All of the results of the work we did to use technology to transform front-line public services to disadvantaged groups are now hosted on this website under Innovation Resources. See Tools for a list of all of the main resources. Understand the Team's mantra that "I = C + D + E" at InnovationYou can download the Team's Final Report. Videos of the projects run in the programme are on the YouTube Channel Inclusion through Technology.


The paper describing the Team's methodology and tool for project investment appraisal and business case development, Waller, P, and McKinnon, E, (2013) “A Social Innovation Investment Appraisal Method and Tool", is available from the Appraisal Methodology page along with an example of its use. 


Watch Think About It

Watch our video ‘Think about it’. It sets out how we can take the opportunity to use technology as a tool for improving lives and life chances or face the risk of increasing economic and social costs. That is what we did, and the movie is just as valid now as it was when we made it.


Click on Think about it movie to watch it (images with music soundtrack: headphones may be required)To read a transcript of 'Think about it' please click on this link:  Transcript for Think About it (text only PDF, 31kb)


To see the index of statistics and other information sources that were used to create the movie, please click on this link: Think About it Source Index